Watering a lawn is easy, right? Simply open the faucet and let the water run for a few minutes. Wrong.
Most homeowners think that lawns should be watered daily or every other day to prevent under-watering. However, grasses do not need to be watered every day and over-watering can lead to several problems.
Over-watering can drown plants and stress those with shallow roots. The invasion of weeds can also be partly attributed to over-watering. Daily watering of lawns can also undermine fertilization as the chemicals used to fertilize are washed away. Finally, over-watering is a terrible waste of precious water.
Proper watering is an integral part of lawn care Liberty Township OH residents should be aware of. While it is not exactly rocket science, optimal watering can be a bit complicated because the needs of one lawn can vary from those of another. In order to better assess how much water your lawn and garden need, here are a few important factors that need to be accounted for.
It is highly advisable to water lawns about one inch per week. Deeper watering is preferable over light watering as this allows the roots of the grass to grow deeper which, in turn, makes them more resilient during dry periods. Water your lawn during the early hours of the morning. Watering during the evening causes the grass to stay wet, which increases the risk of disease. Additionally, the demand for water is higher during the evening.
When mowing your lawn, avoid trimming more than two inches. This promotes deep rooting and prevents the blades of the grass from becoming stressed. Another benefit of longer leaf blades is that these can provide shade for the soil, which prevents evaporation. Avoid mowing when the sun is at its peak. Newly cut grasses have a tendency to dry out faster after being clipped.
The application of fertilizers, when done correctly, can encourage the roots of grass to grow deeper, allowing them to be more tolerant to drought. On the other side of the coin, if you fertilize your lawn incorrectly, this can lead to adverse effects. When fertilizing the lawn, make sure that it has been watered adequately. Fertilizers have a tendency to draw moisture out of the grass.
Be mindful of the weather. If the forecast predicts rains within the next few days, do not water your lawn.
You can also configure your lawn so that it will require less use of water. Through the use of mulches and drought-tolerant species, you can keep more moisture on your lawn. If possible, you can redirect downspouts to your lawn and garden.
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